Call For Papers 2024

We’re Back for 2024!

You didn’t forget about us, did you….?

We have some pretty exciting announcements over the next few weeks for you.

The first is our Call for Papers is now open! This year we have a theme of Past, Present, and Future. (one track for each)

We want to hear about your hacker history, retro computing or your war stories, as well as insights into today’s security landscape, plus your thoughts and forecasts for the future of security.

We will have a 101 Track – a role reversal of a rookie track. We would like you to submit your 101 talks – sharing the basics of your security passion for a rookie audience. This can be a talk or a 30-minute hands-on workshop, aimed at teaching the next generation the basics.

We will also have our careers session as a virtual afternoon on Friday 14th June and invite careers discussions for this virtual session.

So plenty to think about – don’t forget you don’t need to have a fully formed idea – Just an abstract of 500 words or less for us to assess.

We will also have the fabulous 🐗 James Bore running his Speaker workshop, so if you have an idea for a talk, and would benefit from James’ expert coaching, he will be running a speaker workshop in the morning, for talks in the afternoon sessions.

The CFP will run until the end of March, so get those talks submitted here –

If you have questions or want to speak to any of the team, we’d love to hear from you


